Tuesday 14 March 2017

Social Studies: Human Rights

The laws are mean and they are unfair to the Jew's

Because people from many difzerent cultures do not have the same rights as others.

Friday 16 September 2016

Design a game

We are using an online app called Gamefroot which allows us to create online game, Gamefroot is a 3D plat form that allows us to create games. 
Once you have your game you can play it and test
 to see how it is if you have any trouble there 
is a help thing on the right hand side.
  • Art
  • Character 
  • Game play
The back ground that i have chosen is the galaxy/night time because its an adventure game and i wanted to have that type of theme throughout my game because it just gives it a cool look.
Gamefroot is a platform that is brilliant and allows the player to edit the game and then test it on the go. It has an easy drag and drop technique for all the various assets so that the programming comes along with it. It also, however allows the game designer to change the main scripts to customize the game.                                                    


Tuesday 9 August 2016

The rough, rouge robber left the bank quickly and ran really rapidly towards the getaway car, which was right outside the bank. As the getaway driver starts driving down the road, he drives as fast as he could.  He then nearly crashed into one of the street posts from panic of getting arrested. His friend who was is in the car, jumped out because he doesn't like what he is doing. He runs back to the police station and tells the police everything about what happened, where the safe house is and who was involved.

Sunday 19 June 2016